Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Caveman stop-motion test

I have been finding teaching myself stop-motion to be one of the more difficult tasks, as well as making time outside of a job and regular life to animate. More on this soon, (I hope!!) but for now, this is my first bit of character animation with plasticine.
The timing leaves much to be desired, I think I find shooting straight ahead to be substantially trickier than digitally manipulating keys.
However, I haven't tried all the recommended techniques yet...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Regular Posts!

I've been shown the wisdom of the web and have decided to commit to a regular blog, something that will  entertain and inform, and provide a dependable platform for my animation journey. Along the way I will comment on my fave blogs and animators, and examine and review animations and books on animation.
And finally, I hope to regularly post my own work - snippets, sneak-peaks, previews and tests.

Coming soon, a review of "Cracking Animation", 3rd Edition, by Aardman Founders Peter Lord and Brian Sibley.

Sunday, January 16, 2011