I am now a Wanimate committee member. Wanimate is the peak body representing animators in WA. Part of my plan to be an EMPLOYED animator is to network as much as possible, and see what opportunities it presents. Part of Wanimate's emphasis is examining the employment options for animators, and working to further them. Here is their website: http://wanimate.org.au
Already as a committee member I have been exposed to opportunities that I would not have seen otherwise. Additionally, being in a position to talk to people I respect in the Perth Ani Industry is great. It is very educational for one, and inspiring for another. Educational because greater experience is filtering down to me and I can see wisdom is certain actions (like not being a sole-trader to cover myself legally), and inspiring because these people have years of experience behind them and are still working in the industry (and I keep getting asked about my short film project - so I'd better do some more work on it!).
All in all I am happy with the move. The next week will be very busy. I am getting 1st and 2nd Assistant Director experience with a short film being created by people I met through the animation department at FTI. I have a my first animation job to work on, and the FTI final project to complete. I have potentially 32 hours or more of available time to do these last 2 projects, SO it is "heads down, bums up". (thumbs! I mean thumbs).
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